APART-MINT Selection


The selection process for an APART-MINT Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences takes around three to four months.

The candidates’ applications that make the shortlist are reviewed by international experts.  The committee decides on the award of the fellowships on the basis of the reviews.

There is not a fixed pool of reviewers; for each application, experts are sought who can assess the proposal on the basis of their own academic experience or research activities in line with the international standards in the given field of research. These reviewers are engaged on a voluntary basis, i.e. they do not receive financial remuneration for this activity.

Upon completion of the review procedure, the reviews are anonymised before being sent to each applicant.

The committee’s decision is final.

Assessment criteria

Relevant for the assessment is the scientific quality of the research project; esp. original, innovative, unconventional aspects are crucial when deciding whether to award a fellowship.

Awarding committee

The awarding committee consists of scientists at a university or non-university research institution in Austria or abroad. The committee members are nominated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Care is taken when assembling the committee to avoid bias.


Value of Fellowship
+ travel, material costs

Duration of Fellowship
12 Months

Submission Deadline



The Road to a Fellowship


